Simba Guaraní

[, другое название: Simba Guaraní, Western Bolivian Guaraní, Chiriguano]

Классификация: Tupian


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A preliminary documentation of Bolivian Guaraní

Bolivian Guaraní is a Tupi-Guaraní language spoken in the South East of Bolivia. This language is spoken by around 40.000 speakers, but it is threatened, because younger speakers are switching to Spanish. This collaborative project with the community has three aims: first, a preliminary documentation of Bolivian Guaraní, consisting of an open-access archive of a 4-hour audio and video database including traditional stories; second, a thematic glossary of terms for tools (agricultural, hunting and building tools), for the use of the community; and third, a Master thesis consisting of a sociolinguistic report and a revision of the phonological analysis.

Vasiliki Vita


1 января 2016 г.
