[alias Amuexa, Yanesha', Amoesha]Klassifizierung: Arawakan
Klassifizierung: Arawakan
Amuexa, Yanesha', Amoesha, Yanesha, Amuese, Amueixa, Amoishe, Amagues, Amage, Omage, Amajo, Lorenzo, Amuetamo, Amaje |
Arawakan, Southern Arawakan, Western |
ISO 639-3 |
ame |
Als csv |
Informationen von: “South America” (103-196) . Mily Crevels (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
Eastern foothills of the Andes, departments of Pasco and Junyn, headwaters of the Pachitea and Perene rivers
Informationen von: “Base de Datos de Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios” . Ministerio de Cultura
The language is not being transmitted to children.
In 2011, the Ministry of Education standardized an alphabet (RD No 1493-2011-ED). It consists of 28 letters.
Spoken in the basins of the Palcazú, Calcazú, and Pachitea rivers, in the provinces of Puerto Inca (Huánuco Region), Oxapampa (Pasco Region), and Chanchamayo (Junín Region), in Peru.