[别称 Zoé, Jo'é, Buré]语系:Tupian
信息不完整 “Zo’é (Brazil) – Language Snapshot” . Nilton Hitotuzi, Wilson de Lima Silva, Onesimo Martins de Castro (2020) , Peter K. Austin · ELPublishing
The FUNAI (The National Indian Foundation) restricts access to the Zo’é people.
信息不完整 “South America” (103-196) . Mily Crevels (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
In 1997, all Zo’é were still monolingual speakers of their native language. Now that the Zo’é have definitively come out of isolation, the language is seriously endangered.
between the Cuminapanema and Erepecuru rivers, Oriximina Municipality, Terra Indígena Cuminapanema/Urukuriana