[también conocido como Bradrawah, Baderwali, Badrohi]Clasificación: Indo-European
·susceptible de extinción
Clasificación: Indo-European
·susceptible de extinción
Two thousand years after His death, Jesus Christ remains as fascinating and as compelling as ever. No other person has left so profound an impact on the course of human history. No other person has been so revered, so despised, or so controversial. The story of Jesus is more than ancient history. No one can doubt the effect this story continues to have today. By giving a sense of immediacy to the life and teachings of Jesus, this web site has meaning and value for all. The writers and editors believe that, with this web site, an even wider audience will understand what it was like to live in the days of Jesus, John the Baptist, Herod, the puppet king of the Jews, and Pilate, the infamous executioner.
4 de Junio de 2013 |
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