[alias Sɛkpɛlé, Likpe, Mu]Klassifizierung: Niger-Congo
Klassifizierung: Niger-Congo
This video was recorded by Nathaniel Kim in Likpe Abrani, Ghana. Sekpele (Likpe, Mu, Bosele) is spoken by about 23,000 people, mostly living in the mountains of Ghana’s Volta Region. The language is classified as a member of the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo language family. There are two dialects: the nuclear dialect of Sekpele and the Sekwa dialect. Sekpele is in vigorous use in the Volta region. Sekpele speakers also often use Akan and Éwé, which are both related to Sekpele. Literacy rates are low (under 10%), but the language is present in all domains of life in the areas where it’s spoken and is spoken by people of all ages.
1. Januar 2020 |
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