[别称 Bishnupriya,Bisna Puriya, Bishnupria Manipuri]语系:Indo-European
Dr. S.K. Sinha is an eminent short story writer in the endangered Bishnupriya Manipuri language. Many of his stories are translated into various Indian languages like Assamese, Bengali, Kannada etc., as well as English and French. A collection of his short stories translated by Ramlal Sinha, namely "Seducing the Rain God" has acclaimed a worldwide recognition and review. Dr. Sinha is an academician, and is currently positioned as the Vice Chancellor of Pragjyotishpur University, Assam, after retiring as the Dean of The School of Engineering and founder and head of The Department of Comuter Science at Tezpur Central University. He is a holder of one European and two American patents on his research, while at SAP Labs. in Cote-De-Azurre, France. Dr. Smriti Kumar Sinha stands for minor and endangered languages and has been working in this direction for the last three decades. He is considered as a leading and dedicated short story writer in Bishnupriya Manipuri.
Guwahati, Assam, India |
2023年1月1日 |
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