Ainu (Japan)

[también conocido como Ainu Itak, Aynu itak, Kurili]

Clasificación: Isolate


en peligro crítico de extinción

  • Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·

  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International

  • World Oral Literature Project .

  • Peter K Austin's top 10 endangered languages . Peter Austin (2008) · The Guardian.

  • Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) · UNESCO Publishing

  • The World Atlas of Language Structures . (2005) · edited by Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press

  • Personal Communication . Dr. Alexander "Sasha" Vovin

  • Personal Communication on Ainu (Japan) . Solnit, David (2012) ·

  • The Evenki language from Yenisei to Sakhalin ( pp. 109-121 ) . Victor Atknine (1997) · In Northern Minority Languages: Problems of Survival Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology

  • An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (Including a grammar of the Ainu Language) . John Batchelor (1905) · Tokyo: Methodist Publishing House

  • Grammar and folklore texts of the Chitose dialect of Ainu: (idiolect of Ito Oda) ( pp. vii+487 ) . Bugaeva, Anna (2004) · Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim Publications Series · Vol. A2-045 · Osaka, Japan: Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim

  • The linguistic situation on Sakhalin Island ( pp. 1007-1012 ) . E. Yu. Gruzdeva (1996) · In Atlas of Languages of Intercultural Communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas edited by Stephen A. Wurm and Peter Mühlhäusler and Darrell T. Tryon · Mouton de Gruyter

  • The Genetic Relationship of the Ainu Language . James Patrie (1982) · Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication · Vol. 17 · University of Hawai'i Press

  • The Ainu Language: The Morphology and Syntax of the Shizunai Dialect . Kirsten Refsing (1986) · Aarhus: Aarhus University Press

  • Ainu . M. Shibatani (1990) · In The Languages of Japan Cambridge Language Surveys · edited by M. Shibatani · Cambridge University Press

  • Ainu ( pp. 132-136 ) . Tom G. Svensson (1999) · In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers edited by Richard B. Lee and Richard Daly · Cambridge University Press

  • The Ainu Language . Suzuko Tamura (2000) · Tokyo: Sanseido

  • The Genetic Relationship of the Ainu Language . Patrie, James (1982) · University of Hawaii Press

  • The Languages of Japan . Shibatani, Masayoshi (1990) · Cambridge Language Surveys · Cambridge University Press

  • Hokkaido Ainu phonemics ( pp. 751-757 ) . Simeon, G. (1969) · Journal of the American Oriental Society. 89

  • The Ainu Language . Tamura, Suzuko (2000) · ICHEL Linguistic Studies · Vol. 2 · Sanseido

  • Ainu-Grammatik. Volume 1: Texte und Hinweise . Dettmer, H. A. (1989) · Harrassowitz

  • The Ainu Language . Tamura, Suzuko (1988) · Sanseido

  • Reciprocals and sociatives in Ainu ( pp. 1751-1822 ) . Alpatov, Vladimir M. and Bugaeva, Anna Ju. and Nedjalkov, Vladimir P. (2007) · In Typology of reciprocal constructions edited by Nedjalkov, Vladimir (with the assistance of Emma Geniusiene and Zlatka Guentcheva) · Benjamins

  • Southern Hokkaido Ainu ( pp. 461-509 ch. 15 ) . Bugaeva, Anna (2012) · In The Languages of Japan and Korea edited by Tranter, Nicolas · Routledge

  • A Topical Dictionary of Conversational Ainu. . National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (2015) ·