Western Apache
[também conhecido como San Carlos-Southern Tonto, San Carlos Apache, White River ...]Classificação: Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit
Classificação: Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit
This video shows clips of the Christmas light decorations in downtown Chandler, AZ. My brother & I taped these clips at 12:05 AM on Christmas Eve 2008. The tree is a large tumbleweed Christmas tree spray-painted white & covered with glitter. The music is "Away in a Manger (Tsísk'eh Doo Hwaa Da)", sung in White Mountain Apache by the Beach Family from Cedar Creek, AZ. This is my last Christtmas video for 2008. Included in the beginning of the video is the reading John 3:16, in Western Apache (Ndee Biyati'): Bik'ehgo'ihi'nań ni'gosdzáń biká' nnee dázhó bił daanzhoohíí bigha... For God so loved the world that... ...biYe' dała'áhi yaa yinłtíí... ....He gave is one and only son... áík'ehgo dahadíń bosdlaadihíí doo da'ílíí hileeh da... ...that whoever believes in Him will not perish... ...áídá' ihi'naa doo ngonel'aa dahíí yee hinaa doleel. ...but have eternal life. Enjoy & Merry Christmas! Lyrics: Datinyú tét'iyé, tsísk'eh doo hwaa da Ałts'ísé mé' Jesus, bimaa dahbołteeł Ts'iłsoosé yaaká'yé' nił'íí' sitiizhi' Ałts'ísé mé' Jesus, nłt'éégo iłhosh Magashi adíígo mé' ch'ínáyinłsig Ałts'ísé mé' Jesus, doo hwaa hichag da Áń shił nzhoo Jesus, yaaká'yé' díz'ii' Shidahdín'iigo iiskaazhi' doleeł
12/25/2008 |
Music |
25 de Dezembro de 2008 |
DayBreakWarrior |
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