
[también conocido como Ebidoso, Tumraha, Chamakoko]

Clasificación: Zamucoan


con amenaza de extinción


Chamacoco elicitation with Kafoté [pt. 1]

Kafoté (Crispulo Martínez) elicits a few phrases in endangered Chamacoco.

Filmed by K. David Harrison for the Living Tongues Institute; Co-created by Kafote (Crispulo Martinez) and Anna Luisa Daigneault

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages

24 de Mayo de 2009

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages


Filmed by K. David Harrison for the Living Tongues Institute; Co-created by Kafote (Crispulo Martinez) and Anna Luisa Daigneault

This material is copyrighted. Please contact Living Tongues for more information.
