[aka Chividunda, Kividunda, Ndunda]Classification: Niger-Congo
Classification: Niger-Congo
Chividunda, Kividunda, Ndunda |
Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Benue-Congo, Southern Bantoid |
ISO 639-3 |
vid |
As csv |
Information from: “Vidunda (G38) as an Endangered Language?” (43-54) . Karsten Legère (2009) , Doris L. Payne and Jaime Peña · Cascadilla Press
"With regard to language acquisition in early childhood all Vidunda interviewees stated that their mother tongue (MT) was Vidunda. This implies that the current parent generation mainly speaks to their children in L1 [Vidunda] and that the latter enjoy a far-reaching exposure to L1 in the homestead. [...] Standard 1 children had no linguistic alternative, as they were almost all only L1 speaking. By standard 7 the situation has drastically changed: 93 percent declared that they communicate in L2 [Swahili] with peers, and only a small group claimed that they speak L1 to each other. [...] In a rather bilingual environment, the future parent generation (the current primary school learners) displays L2 competence and proficiency as well as L2 use that, by and large, exceed that of L1. [...] Coupled with strong formal and moral L2 support, the chances of L1 to be transmitted in the future to another young generation diminish drastically."
"The major factor that shapes language use among the children is the complete L2 immersion in school as the result of the language policy implementation in primary education. In government schools L2 is the sole medium of instruction throughout grade one to grade seven."
Vidunda Ward of Kilosa District/Morogoro Region in Central Tanzania.
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 18th Edition” . Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig · SIL International
"Morogoro region: east of Hehe [heh] language area; south of Mikumi town, Kidodi mountains west, west of Kutu."