Southern Yauyos Quechua

Klassifizierung: Quechuan


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Metadaten der Sprache

Quechuan, Quechua IIA

Latin (Spanish-based)


Als csv

Sources differ greatly with respect to Quechuan languages and varieties, both with respect to which may be separate languages vs. which just dialects of the same language, and with respect to how to classify them. The question of how to distinguish between entities that are dialects of a single language vs. those that are separate languages is particularly serious in the case of Quechuan languages and dialects, and much work remains to be done. Though it is well-known and very clear that there are a number of distinct languages in Quechuan, some very distinct, the tendency to consider them all merely dialects of “Quechua” persists in many circles. (Cerrón-Palomino 1987.)

Southern Yauyos Quechua consists of:
Lincha-Tana, Apurí-Madeán-Víñac, Azángaro-Chocos-Huangáscar, San Pedro de Huacarpana, and Cacra-Hongos (dialects treated in Shimelman 2017). There is also Chavín de Topará.

Cacra-Hongos is closest to Quechua I, possibly a Quechua I dialect itself. The other dialects are Quechua II (some with heavy Quechua I influence).

Ethnologue has only Yauyos Quechua [qux] and does not distinguish Northern Yauyos and Southern Yauyos as separate languages; however, they are distinct (see Shimelman 2017). (Willem Adelaar personal communication.)



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