[également appelé Mosina]Classification : Austronesian
·en danger critique
Classification : Austronesian
·en danger critique
Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled By Research Teams At University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Eastern Michigan University . (2015) ·
The exceptional linguistic density of Vanuatu ( pp. 1–21 ) . Alexandre François, Michael Franjieh, Sebastien Lacrampe, and Stefan Schnell (2015) · In The Languages of Vanuatu: Unity and Diversity Studies in the Languages of Island Melanesia · edited by Alexandre François, Sebastien Lacrampe, Michael Franjieh, and Stefan Schnell · Asia Pacific Linguistics Open Access
Social ecology and language history in the northern Vanuatu linkage: A tale of divergence and convergence ( pp. 175-246 ) . Alexandre François (2011) · Journal of Historical Linguistics. 1