Western Baja Mixtec [alias Mixteco del Oeste Alto] Klassifizierung: Otomanguean Beschreibung Ressourcen Aktivität Revitalization Bibliografie Eine Änderung vorschlagen Subscribe
Metadaten der Sprache Alias Mixteco del Oeste Alto KLASSIFIZIERUNG Otomanguean, Mixtecan VARIANTEN & DIALEKTE Mixteco del Oeste Alto DOWNLOAD Als csv WEITERE KOMMENTARE Note on Mixtec languages: The system of classification adopted here follows the most detailed linguistic survey of Mixtec languages yet undertaken (Josserand 1983). While other sources, such as Ethnologue (18th edition), may include as many as 52 varieties of "Mixtec", the Catalogue identifies 12 distinct Mixtec languages. Sprachdokumentationsforum Compare Sources (1) Informationen von: “Mixtec Dialect History (Proto-Mixtec and Modern Mixtec Text)” . Josserand, Judy Kathryn (1983) Informationen von: “Mixtec Dialect History (Proto-Mixtec and Modern Mixtec Text)” . Josserand, Judy Kathryn (1983) ORTE Mexico ORTSBESCHREIBUNG The villages of Santiago Tamazola, San Miguel Ahuehuetitlán, and San Martín del Estado Diskussion Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus