Buu (Nigeria)
[, другое название: Zaranda, Zarandaa]Классификация: Afro-Asiatic
·в серьезной опасности
Классификация: Afro-Asiatic
·в серьезной опасности
Zaranda, Zarandaa |
Afro-Asiatic, Chadic, West Chadic |
gji-zar |
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Информация из: “Documenting linguistic varieties of the South-Bauchi group” . Bernard Caron (2009)
"Around 600 speakers"
"Two of those languages (ex: Zaranda ; Luri) are spoken in communities that have split, creating a situation with an 'old' village up in the hills with a few older people, living in terrible conditions, using the 'old' language and a 'new' village where the majority of the population has moved down the hill, by the road, and switched to Hausa, Jaar, etc."
Информация из: “Bu:, Aka Zaranda (Chadic, South-Bauch West): Wordlist and Grammatical Notes” (93-119) . Caron, Bernard (2008) , Gábor Takács · Berlin: Dietrich Reimer
"Most of the Bu: population has migrated from the original location of the Zaranda village (Zaranda Haɓe, longitude 9,57; latitude 10,28) to the present Zaranda (longitude 9,52 ; latitude 10,23) where they have abandoned their language for Hausa and Fulfulde. The few that have retained their language live in Zaranda Haɓe, in houses scattered in the hills, gathering around the chief once a year for the traditional religious festivities."
"Most of the Bu: population has migrated from the original location of the Zaranda village (Zaranda Haɓe, longitude 9,57; latitude 10,28) to the present Zaranda (longitude 9,52 ; latitude 10,23)."
Информация из: “Les Zaars et leurs voisins” (639-657) . Bernard Caron (2005) , Henry Tourneux and Noé Woïn ·
"Si les Polci et les Zoɗi sont relativement nombreux (environ 50 000) les autres locuteurs avoisinent les 500 pour les lectes encore vivaces (Boto, Zaranda, Dir, Baraza, Geji, Zakshi, Chari)..."
"Le sud de l’état de Bauchi, au nord du Nigeria... Zaranda, à 15 km au nord-ouest de Bauchi"
Информация из: “South-Bauchi West Pronominal and TAM Systems” (93-112) . Bernard Caron (2006) , Bernard Caron and Peter Zima ·
"Their population... [is] less than 600."
"The South of the Bauchi State (Nigeria)."