
[aka Iwaydja, Iwaidji, Ibadjo]

Classification: Iwaidjan




Iwaidja-English / English-Iwaidja dictionary


This Iwaidja Interactive Dictionary consists of approximately 1600 headwords collected on Croker Island between 1972 and 1979 by Noreen Pym and Bonnie Larrimore under the auspices of the SIL, Australia. Many Iwaidja speakers provided data. The names of the original contributors are listed in Pym & Larrimore (1979). The interactive version is based on the revised 1982 draft that was eventually published as Pym and Larrimore (1998). It is presented here as a historical document, and has not been changed or updated, other than to add semantic categories to assist electronic searches. An earlier electronic version of this dictionary was prepared for archiving at ASEDA-AIATSIS by David Nash. This current interactive version and the introduction was prepared by Maarten Lecompte in TOOLBOX and LEXIQUE PRO.

Alexandra Osváth
