
[aka Armãneashti, Armãneascã, Armãneshce]

Classification: Indo-European




Pericle Papahagi - Armân tales

Armân tales collected by Pericle Papahagi. Pericle Papahagi has been a well-known linguist and folklorist of Aromanian/Armân origin. He was born on 20th of October 1872 in Avdhela - Greece and died on 20th of January 1943 in Silistra- Bulgaria. Pericle Papahagi started his studies in his home land and continued them at Bucuresti (Bucharest- Romania) ,and Leipzig where he got his PhD in letters. Taught as highschool teacher in Thessaloniki and Giurgiu and has been principal of the Silistra highschool. Has re-edited the works of Cavallioti, Ucuta and Daniil, published the "Aromanian or Macedo-Vlach grammar", supervised the "Historical Studies on the Balkan Peninsula " by Ioan Caragiani, all of which represent extremely rare works for the Armâns/Aromanians.

Nancy Samargiu

March 13, 2014
