
[aka Arwarbukarl, Awabagal, Hunter River and Lake Macquarie]

Classification: Pama-Nyungan



This English-Awabakal Dictionary presents over 500 English terms, listed alphabetically, providing their Awabakal translation as given by Reverend L.E. Threlkeld and Reverend Dr. John Fraser. The terms are taken principally from Threlkeld's An Australian Grammar (Threlkeld 1834) and Fraser's An Australian Language (Fraser 1892). By providing references for each of the terms given, this Dictionary also acts as a partial index to those two works. A list of pronounciations is also provided. D.A. Roberts, H.M. Carey and V. Grieves, Awaba: A Database of Historical Materials Relating to the Aborigines of the Newcastle-Lake Macquarie Region, University of Newcastle, 2002 <>

Alexandra Osváth

Jan. 1, 2002
