
[aka Arrapahoe, Northern Arapaho, Arapaho-Atsina]

Classification: Algic


severely endangered

The project aimed to incorporate diverse linguistic varieties into the Arapaho ‘canon’ of audio and written texts, and especially increase the documentation of women’s speech and to contribute to a comprehensive grammatical description of Arapaho. It also contributed to the historical and comparative study of the Algic languages, including inferences about the early history of Algic peoples. The deposit includes a dictionary and text concordance containing grammatical information, text references, examples from texts and usage information. The analytical and cultural dictionary includes, in addition to English-Arapaho and Arapaho-English glosses, morphological analysis, etymology (including Proto-Algonquian and Proto-Algic roots), and references to a text corpus.

Vasiliki Vita


Jan. 1, 2010
