Mezquital Otomí

[também conhecido como Othomí, Otomí (Mezquital), Otomi (Mezquital)]

Classificação: Otomanguean




Neve y Molina, Luis, Reglas de orthographia, diccionario, y arte del idioma othomi, breve instruccion para los principiantes, Mexico, 1767

Engraved frontispiece of St. Joseph (to whom the work is dedicated on the t.p.) holding the Christ child, with preachers in a church interior pictured underneath, and quotes from Scriptures Dedication, licenses and prologue in Spanish, Vocabulary p. 13-97 in double columns of Spanish and Otomi; Arte del idioma othomi, p. 97-160 in Spanish

Neve y Molina, Luis, fl. 1767

The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University

24 de Agosto de 1767

The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.

Otomi language. Mexico

Neve y Molina, Luis, fl. 1767

Apply in writing for permission to use this resource. ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912


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