[aka Opata, Opatan, Teguima]Classification: Uto-Aztecan
Classification: Uto-Aztecan
by Smith, Buckingham, 1810-1871, ed. and tr Published 1861 "No 20 of 100 printed." "The title of work, in manuscript, from which the grammatical notices have been elaborated, is Arte y vocabulario de la lingua [!] dohema heve, ó eudeva."--Foot-note Publisher New York, Cramoisy press Pages 44 Possible copyright status The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item. Language English; Spanish Call number 5863194 Digitizing sponsor The Library of Congress Book contributor The Library of Congress Collection library_of_congress; americana Notes No table-of-contents pages found.
Jan. 1, 1861 |
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