Lowland Mixe

[aka Isthmus Mixe, Eastern Mixe, Guichicovi Mixe, Mixe del ...]

Classification: Mixe-Zoquean




Apuntes sobre la lengua mije

Notes on the Mixe language, with subjects such as geographic extent; extant literature (primarily notes on Fr. Augstín de Quintana's 18th-century Confessonario); a comparison of words for Mixe numerals with their Zoque, Zapotec, and Chinantec equivalents; a comparison of Mixe words with Zoque and Zapotec words; and parallel translations of the Lord's prayer in Spanish, Mixe, and Zoque.

Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Libraries

Jan. 1, 1870
