
[aka Williche, Veliche, Huiliche]

Classification: Araucanian


severely endangered


Huilliche elders on their cultural survival

Huilliche elders Wilma and Teolinda Guenteo Rain discuss their concern for cultural survival. They fear that their language will come to an end.

Filmed by Greg Anderson, K. David Harrison, and Freddy Leon for the Living Tongues Institute; summary by Theresa Sepulveda

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages

Jan. 10, 2011

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages


Filmed by Greg Anderson, K. David Harrison, and Freddy Leon for the Living Tongues Institute; summary by Theresa Sepulveda

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    Francisco Javier Rosas Jaramillo 4642 days ago

    Orgulloso de mi lengua y mis raíces, de mi sangre y mi familia del sur del mundo. Proud of my language and my roots, my blood and my family from the southern lands of the world