
[aka Williche, Veliche, Huiliche]

Classification: Araucanian


severely endangered


Huilliche welcoming ceremony

Three women perform a welcoming ceremony including speaking to what seems like a divine being in front of a tree that they have brought out. They take turns speaking in front of this tree and throw white ceremonial powder on it. At the conclusion of the ceremony, they sing a song together.

Filmed by K. David Harrison for the Living Tongues Institute; Co- created by Wilma Guenteo Rain, Teolinda Guenteo Rain, and Hilda Guenteo Guenteo

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages

Jan. 11, 2011

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages


Filmed by K. David Harrison for the Living Tongues Institute; Co- created by Wilma Guenteo Rain, Teolinda Guenteo Rain, and Hilda Guenteo Guenteo

This material is copyrighted. Please contact LivingTongues for more information.


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    Alexia Guerra 4454 days ago

    The tree is called "Canelo" it is the sacred tree of the Mapuche people.