[aka Paunaca, Pauna-Paikone, Pauna-Paicone]Classification: Arawakan
·critically endangered
Classification: Arawakan
·critically endangered
In Spanish and Mojo. Includes with separate pagination and signatures but without separate title page: Catecismo menor en lengua española, y moxa (caption title) (142, 163-202 p. [3rd and 5th counts]); without separate title page, pagination, or signatures: Algunas aduertencias tocantes al valor del matrionio entre los indios recien convertidos (caption title) (p. [1-2]" [4th count]); and with separate signatures but without separate title page and pagination: Cartilla, y doctrina cristiana en lengua moxa, impressa con licencia de los superiores en la Ciudad de los Reyes por Ioseph de Contreras impressor real año 1702 (Caption title) (p. [3-22]" [4th count]).
Marbán, Pedro, 1647-1713 |
Jan. 1, 1702 |
JCBL Imaging 4642 days ago
This John Carter Brown Library book may be seen in its entirety on Internet Archive:
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