[aka n̓səl̓̓xčin̓, Nsilxcín, Nsyilxcen, Nsyilxcn, Nsəlxcin]Classification: Salishan
Classification: Salishan
A working paper of narratives from elder Saʕálqs (Lottie Lindley), from Nɬq̓íɬməlx (Quilchena) BC. Recorded and transcribed between 2009 and 2011.
John Lyon |
Quilchena, BC |
Grahm Wiley-Camacho 3770 days ago
way̓ sl̓ax̌t, in̓x̌mink iksk̓ʷul̓mnm axáʔ iʔ‿q̓y̓min l̓ in̓n̓mam̓áy̓aʔtn. ha kʷ‿ksn̓kʷan̓cín̓s km syaʔyáx̌aʔ ? uc kʷu‿akscxʷíc̓xtm iʔ‿sn̓kʷan̓cín̓s mł kn k̓ʷulm tə syaʔyáxaʔ. kʷu‿mayxít.
John Lyon 3769 days ago
way̓. stim̓ an-email-adress? kʷ iksxʷíc̕ɬtəm iʔ snkʷənkʷancín, mi p níxl̕əm, p ɬaʔ cʕac̕əm iʔ q̓əy̓mín. incá in-email, john.lyon@alumni.ubc.ca límləmt.
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