[aka n̓səl̓̓xčin̓, Nsilxcín, Nsyilxcen, Nsyilxcn, Nsəlxcin]Classification: Salishan
Classification: Salishan
The SalishTutor 1 is loaded with material from the text, nsəlxcin 1: A Beginning Course in Colville-Okangan Salish. The SalishTutor includes review and test modes, a glossary with audio, and a game module. Software includes full audio, pictures, and text for vocabulary words and sample phrases. Note: SalishTutor is a Shockwave application. If you are not sure your computer has Shockwave installed, install Adobe Shockwave at http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/
Kim Teichroeb 1877 days ago
Way, Xast sklaxw, Unfurtunately, I can't seem to open this tutor. I would love to use this to practice. I looked it up & it appears that Adobe Shockwave doesn't exist anymore so I can't open it. I am wondering if you would be able to email me a different way to open this? Not sure if that's possible. Limlemt. Stxet'am (Kim)
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