
[también conocido como Hitchiti, Mikasuki Seminole, Miccosukee]

Clasificación: Muskogean


con amenaza de extinción


Buffalo Tiger Heenehatche - Tribal Chairman of the Miccosukee Peoples


Great for all curriculums teaching about the Miccosukee culture. “William Buffalo Tiger (Heenehatche; March 6, 1920 – January 6, 2015 in Kendall, Florida) was a political leader of the Miccosukee Nation based in the Everglades area of Florida. He served as the first elected tribal chairman from 1962 to 1985, and before that was head of the General Council from 1957 and a chief. His activism led to political organization of the Miccosukee and their gaining federal recognition in 1962 as an independent Native American tribe. They wrote a constitution to govern their people.”

Atomic Fartz
