
[también conocido como Hitchiti, Mikasuki Seminole, Miccosukee]

Clasificación: Muskogean


con amenaza de extinción


Tasty, Authentic Seminole Florida Cookbook by Nancy Moral, M.Ed


KINDLE VERSION AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $3.99, check it out! ;) The recipes in the Seminole Indian Cookbook include first-hand accounts shared with the author by women of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. These recipes contain the best of natural foods found in Florida’s exceptional and unique environment: Pumpkin Soup, Indian Fry Bread, Chilled Seagrape Soup with Rum, Seafood Corn Pudding, Wild Boar Stew, Venison Stew, Squirrel Stew, Fried Frog Legs, Roast Rabbit, Corn Stuffing, Indian Pudding, Corn Mush and Alligator Strips.

Atomic Fartz

Seminole Tribe of Florida

1 de Enero de 2017
