Lowland Chontal
[aka Huamelultec, Chontal, Lowland Oaxaca Chontal, Huamelula Chontal]Classification: Tequistlatecan
·severely endangered
Classification: Tequistlatecan
·severely endangered
basic vocabulary
http://www.mpi.nl/DOBES/projects/chontal/data |
basic vocabulary, Swadesh word list |
http://www.mpi.nl/DOBES/projects/chontal/data |
Aug. 24, 1998 |
http://www.mpi.nl/DOBES/projects/chontal/data |
San Pedro Huamelula, Oaxaca, Mexico |
http://www.mpi.nl/DOBES/projects/chontal/data |
This archive was created by the DoBeS-project for the documentation of the Lowland Chontal language and culture together with the Chontal communities of San Pedro Huamelula, Río Seco and others along the Pacific coast of south central Oaxaca in Mexico. Th |
The materials deposited in this archive have been provided by speakers of Lowland Chontal subject to the condition that it is for non-commercial use only. There can be no use or public dissemination of this material without the permission of the speaker c |
random sauce 832 days ago
I'm not able to access the document. - Jesus
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