[aka 'Ōlelo Hawai'i, 'Ōlelo Hawai'i Makuahine,]Classification: Austronesian
·severely endangered
Classification: Austronesian
·severely endangered
I went to Hawaii and a cool guy named Damon taught me the indigenous language of the Hawaiian people. The actually went to a school where all throughout K-12 they taught the curriculum in Hawaiian in an effort to revive the language. If you're going to learn Hawaiian get ready for a LOT of vowel usage. They only have 8 consonants and substituting foreign words can be hard (the closest they can get to "s" is a "K") Nonetheless it sounds amazing and beautiful
Paul Barbato |
O‘ahu, Hawaii, USA |
Paul Barbato 4351 days ago
Oh another thing, there are 7 consonants, H K L M N P W but technichally they use "T" and "V" sometimes as well. It's complicated.
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