
[alias Bishnupriya,Bisna Puriya, Bishnupria Manipuri]

Klassifizierung: Indo-European




Present Day Major Distribution of Bishnupriya Manipuri Population

Present Day Major Distribution of Bishnupriya Manipuri Population

Major distribution of Bishnupriya Manipuri population as on 2023. The area covered in this map includes major locations in Sylhet (Bangladesh), Tripura (India), Cachar district in Assam & Jiribam area of Manipur (India). The urban diaspora spread across various urban locations within India, Bangladesh and other parts of the world are yet to be mapped. The project is still on, though the figures are not at all substantial, barring a few location within the north eastern states of India.

Bmsahitya Assam

Guwahati, Assam, India

1. Januar 2023
