
[también conocido como Bishnupriya,Bisna Puriya, Bishnupria Manipuri]

Clasificación: Indo-European


susceptible de extinción


Ti Firaal - A Motivational Poem in an endangered language - Bishnupriya Manipuri

Ti Firaal is a poem written in Bishnupriya Manipuri, a language, listed in the UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger. English Translation You, who flies high Come storm, come rain Look at the sky With a rain drenched smile Stand strong You, who flies high X 2 Tighten your intent To give bloom to your thousand desires Don't count your sorrows today Etch your own destiny - for yours, hers, theirs, for the sake of all You, who flies high X 2 Look! there stands your deepest fear Taunting you, dissipating your effervescence Today, why not lock horns Show a bit of your might You, who flies high X 2 Don’t just dance in the periphery , Come, take center-stage For you have new companions waiting - golden stars, the blue sky Set your dreams free Don’t just stay alive Its time for you to win Win today You, who flies high X 2 Note: Ti Firaal is used as a metaphor in this poem. Firaal is a Bishnupriya Manipuri word. Firaal means flag. In the Bishnupriya Manipuri community Firaal refers to the sign and symbol of peace which is the inner characteristics of the people belonging to this society. Its made with a very light, thin and transparent home made white cotton cloth which is made for use in sacred rituals only. A number of bamboo blades are stitched parallel to the cloth keeping some distance in between, and many colourful threads are tied onto it. In the month of October a festival called "Hari Uthan" every household prepares the Firaal and posts it in front of their gates. Credits: Words and voice: Henry Moirang Sinha Choudhury Video Editing: Kimberly Jane Thomas Sound Effects and Mixing: Pargot Studio, Mumbai Video Credits:

Minority Minus


1 de Enero de 2020
