Baraba Tatar
[aka барабинский язык, Параба, 巴拉巴鞑靼语]Classification: Turkic
·critically endangered
Classification: Turkic
·critically endangered
Learn Tatar language vocabulary of greetings - apprendre le vocabulaire pour la langue
Langoland |
su 2007 4640 days ago
Is this different then Crimean Tatar language?
Ivan Balashov 4630 days ago
Yes. Some researchers says that it one of dialects of Siberian Tatars language.
Äbiğail Sin 4610 days ago
I am very pleased that the authors have commercial interest in the Tatar language and pronounce very competently.
François LANGOLAND 4610 days ago
hello Äbiğail Sin, could you help me checking Mari thematic vocabulary as I am not native speaker, but am very interested : thematic pages with lists of words are located in left menu, but many words are still missing, thanks if possible François (from FRANCE)
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